we’ve made some important changes..

To our valued customers,

Spa Electrics is pleased to announce that we have completed some progressive changes to our business structure, which will support our ongoing growth.

The changes are primarily administrative in nature, and the ownership and management of Spa Electrics will not change, nor will our commitment to providing you with the best underwater lighting products and service the market has to offer. 

Please note the following changes and adjust your records accordingly:

New trading entity name and ACN: Spa Electrics Pty Ltd (ACN: 677 680 072)

New ABN: 54 677 680 072

New bank account:  BSB: 083-214  Account number: 928675611

To assist us with transitioning your account to our new structure please complete the below credit application and guarantee forms and return them to us at your earliest convenience.

Please also find updated terms of trade documents below for your records.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to our Accounts Department on 03 9793 2299.

Your sincerely,

Santo Lentini

National Sales Manager


Please complete and submit application & guarantee to accounts@spaelectrics.com.au

Please direct any questions or concerns to accounts@spaelectrics.com.au

Thank you! - The Spa Electrics Team